Friday, May 4, 2007
how we met
well so this is mine AND Ricky's blog so I guess I should share how we met. Its pretty funny, a classic VB hook up for sure which, if you know both of us, is pretty funny. And, also pretty funny that it didnt turn out to be a "hook up" at all. I wont go into details about my past relatonships, although wouldnt that really be what reading someone elses diary is all about?? So yeah without that, lets just say I had been in some pretty bad ones. Not that it wasnt my fault or anything, but they were bad none the less. Sometime over ther summer, I had a sort of epiphany, and really felt like for the first time in my life I was extremely content with being single, hanging out with friends, and livin it up....AND I really did. Perhaps partied a bit too much, but it was great. So... summer came and went, and so did fall, then februray rolled around. I was right in the middle of studying for midterms i think?? If it wasnt midterms it was some sort of big test, because I had been studying all day and night and HAD to get out of the house. At this point my partying had somewhat subsided and I wasnt really into going out much. I was at my friends Tanya, Kimo, and Jeffs house taking a study break when they succesfully persuaded me into taking advantage of the warmer than usual february weather and heading out on lonboards to the dreaded often mistaken for a good time, Block. It was fat tuesday so I figured what the hell and grabbed a board. Right when we got there Niki and Brandi, the bartenders, asked me what I thought of the DJ. HA Ha. I was so unprepared and not in "dating mode" but couldnt help but notice he was pretty darn cute, and was playing really good music, which is impossible to find pretty much at any bar let alone the block. Next thing I know we leave the bar and I get a text message from Ricky asking me to dinner. I know, I know, text message??.. but it was perfect because by the time he was going to ask me for my number I had already gone and I wouldnt have answered a weird number and it was pretty late to call. SIDENOTE .. I am planning on moving to Hawaii at the end of the summer, and had everything lined up, all I needed to do was get on a plane. ....So we end up texting back and forth for probably a good hour, then he emails me the next day asking me where I would like to go to eat. We decide on somewhere, but I end up having to cancel because I get called into work. Instead of cancelling the date though, he offers to come visit me at my work. I was pretty nervous, but agreed and I can truley say, it was love at first sight. I know it wasnt the first time I saw him, but you have to understand the first time was at chichos behind a bar. Im sorry but if Brad Pitt was standing behind that bar and confessing his love, I still would have strong reservations... So I say, it was love at first sight.. whos eyes work at the block anyway?? ......So like those chesey love stories go, the rest was history. The rest, our history, is happening right now. As we hang out, and dork out on a daily bases, and do things like create blogs about out life together, thigns like me moving to Hawaii get cut right out of the picture. It might have been fun, maybe life changing like I hoped it would be, but I wouldnt leave what I have right now behind for anything in the world. My life has changed so much in the past few months and Im exactly where I want to be. Thats our story. I guess its not a fairy tale story, but it definitley feels fairy tale. Totally unexpected, and totally everything Ive ever dreamed of. Writing this seems surreal, if you know me, you probably know why.. not the most romantic person youll meet to say the least... well that is until now. ok... gotta get back to the books... The pictures are from that first night we met at chichos. Enjoy! Peace and Love ~JJ